Thursday, April 10, 2008

Prayers and Fasting

I'm not used to posting blogs that aren't sarcastic or a bit light-hearted. So this will be new to you all. And to me. And I'll keep my ramblings to a minimum.

A friend of mine who is expecting twins, just found out that the little boy has an unoperable heart defect. The doctor's at Primary Children's Hospital are not giving many reasons to hope, and it will take a heart transplant very soon after his birth to save his life.

They are asking the Lord, through faith, for a miracle to save their baby son. This Sunday is Fast Sunday. They understand that they do not know what the Lord's plan is for their baby, and will accept whatever that plan is, but know that all things are possible through our combined faith and prayers.

Their names are Matt and Denise, and I'm sure they would appreciate all prayers anyone can pass their way.


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