Monday, April 28, 2008

Day One

For those of you who muddle through my ramblings, I thought I would warn you that I have decided to write a new blog entry every day this week.

Yes, seven days of writing about nothing in particular except what might strike my fancy at the moment.

You have been warned, so no complaining about the content. Things that strike my fancy might make zero sense to anyone else. Actually, I can almost guarantee that point. And it also opens up the blinding knowledge that I am not always the type who thinks in a straight line--I zig-zag in my thought processes and sometimes that makes it hard for you mere mortals to keep up. :)

Today I am going to write about husbands who sign their wives up for things they know absolutely nothing about.

Now, I will admit that I volunteer my husband for more things than I should. But the man has talent. He is a great speaker, gives good firesides to the youth, he can fix computers, he is good at helping people put down sod...and apparently I am really good at signing him up for those things and having him not complain too loudly.

It now appears that instead of the loud complaining, he has just been saving up for pay back.

The soccer club that our club just joined/helped form for the upcoming 2008-09 season needs a website. I knew this two weeks ago when I attended a coach's meeting. They asked then if there was anyone who could put the website together and get it running.

I didn't volunteer for a reason. I don't know HOW to do websites.

My husband had a board meeting with this club since he is on the board of our current club and HE volunteered me to be the web designer when the topic was brought up again.

I think he was pretty proud of himself when he called me from his cell phone on his way home from the meeting.

Usually he just volunteers me to bring dessert to some gathering--even when he volunteers me to make dutch oven cobblers for church parties, that isn't the same level as this one.

So there you go. I will be busy trying to look like I have a clue. I'll post the web url as soon as I get something solid there and let you take a look.

But for now....if anyone has need of sod laying help, or computer glitches fixed, you might even need a last minute speaker for a large group [the more last minute, the better]....let me know. I have a husband who I'm POSITIVE will be thrilled to help you out!!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I know a few people who know how to do websites pretty well, but I'd be pretty clueless on that one. So good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :)