Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day Four

Remind me to not hope something different happens so that I can write about it.

Today I am sick. And tired. But mostly sick.

I have a fever, I'm achy, congested...and to top it off I was positive I didn't set my alarm last night so instead of dragging my sorry butt out of bed to check it, I kept waking up every 30 minutes to check the time. All night long.

Being a mom and being sick is worse than any other 'being sick' option. When you are a husband, your wife helps you out and your kids leave you alone. When you are a kid, mom is there to show sympathy (for a little while anyway :) ) and take care of you--the bonus being you get to miss school. But when you are a mom, you still have to get the little ones dressed and fed. You still have to break up arguments. You still have to pick kids up from school and carpool and take kids to soccer and track. You can't just take the day off. Especially when your youngest kids are 4, 4, and 3 years old. They are too active to even think about closing your eyes for a few minutes.

I DO have a fairly legitimate reason to just 'veg' today, so I have that going for me. My house is still in huge disarray from the carpet cleaning yesterday and I had planned on putting things back in order. Tomorrow is looking better for that.

Unfortunately, I know my husband well, and am fairly certain that when he gets home from work tonight I will be helping him drag furniture back upstairs. The clutter drives him crazy, and I can hear him now...."Let's just get this stuff moved and then you can go lay down."

Great. So I have that to look forward to.

Did you know that whining children are even more annoying when you don't feel well? Just thought I'd throw that out there.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

And what's this "moms will show sympathy for a little while at least." Come on..I showed sympathy...for a little while at least. :-) I keep telling you kids that you don't need to get everything your kids do, but do you listen??