Monday, February 11, 2008

Don't Push Your Luck

As some of you may or may not suburban's license plates expired in February.

Of '07.

Yes, it is now '08, so I am a year past due. The longest I've ever gone without licensing my car.

Too late to knock on wood...

Driving the kids home from school on Thursday I started thinking to myself, "Self, you should take the car to get the State safety and Emmissions test done and just register this car so you can stop panicking every time you see a patrol car." (You should see some of the detours I've taken when a police car has pulled behind me...)
Not two minutes after that nice talking-to I gave myself, I heard a "whoop-whoop" behind me, and sure unmarked patrol car was happily pulling me over.
JD freaked. He thought I was going to go to jail.
So I got a ticket for the expired license.

I took the kids home and told Doug about it and he said, "I'll just take it right now and get it licensed for you."

(The nice man...what a guy :) )

So off he goes.

And 20 minutes later calls me because he just got pulled over and handed his own lovely ticket for an expired license.

We go an entire year with no problem. And then get two tickets in one day. Brilliant.

The good news is that I am now the proud owner of a blue '09 sticker on my I am current on the license. For at least another year.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That's kind of funny. Sad, but funny.