Monday, January 5, 2009


I am not a fan of January.

For one thing, it is too stinkin' cold outside. I am a fan of sun and warmth. Snow and ice? Not so much.

For another, it is the new year so I always contemplate resolutions I should make, resolutions I have failed at achieving, and resolutions that I think other people assume I should make. (In other words, I think far too hard about how much extra poundage I have going and try to justify it by saying that at least I haven't GAINED any weight this past year...which in reality only really means that I have officially hit a much too comfortable rut).

Another reason why I'm not a fan of January is that it is my birthday this month. So I'm not only chubby/stocky/pleasantly plump (take your pick)...but I'm old too.

I have decided though--and I'm only putting this down on the blog so that I can look back on it in a year and remind myself of another resolution that I have made (and am still hopeful that I will attain)--that although I can't do anything about getting older, I CAN do something about being heavier than I would like. So I'm back to the "eat less, move more" plan and am doing my best to not label it as a new year's resolution. It is just me deciding that if I can't stop time, I will not be old and fat, but will instead be old and fit.

This year I'm also not a fan of January because my oldest child will turn 16. That brings on a whole other set of worries. Dating, the drama that comes from dating, the boys that cause the drama...I'm not sure I'm ready for this. My daughter is sure she is ready. I wish I had her confidence.

Of course, with my added age and the 'been-there-done-that' that comes with being my advanced age, I can see more of what my daughter is in store for than she does. And she has the added burden of being pretty and nice and friendly to everyone. I had the nice and friendly part down when I was 16, but I was never as self-assured of myself as she is.

I can't decide if that is a good thing for her or a bad thing.

But it doesn't help my worry factor for her at all.

January would probably be more palatable if I snow skied. But I am one of those rare Utahns who has only skied one time. Ever. And the rented skis I had were cheap and the bindings broke on the first run down the mountain. So it wasn't exactly a successful outing.

Skiing wouldn't solve all my problems. I would still be fluffy and old. I would still worry about my 16 year old daughter. And I probably would still prefer the heat over the cold. I just have one hangup about skiing that I've had trouble getting past enough to attempt the sport again, and that is that I don't know how to stop. If I could snow plow, or do the fancy turn that brings me to a standstill, I think skiing might hold some appeal.

But since I can't stop in skis, all I do is picture me hurtling down the frozen mountainside trying to dodge other skiers and various trees, praying that by some miracle I will stop without causing bodily damage to either myself or some unlucky bystander(s).

("Go that way, really fast. If anything gets in your way...turn.")

Maybe I will just stick to working out in my basement, trying to skip the sweets, worrying about my daughter, and trying to stay warm until the sun decides to live in Utah again so I can do some real skiing--the kind that involves water and boats and a single slalom ski.

Hibernating until February would be a nice second option.

To wrap up my rambling first blog of the new year, I'd like to stick with my John Cusak movie quotes. It won't make a whole lot of sense, but it does fit with the whole skipping the sweets theory. That is a grasp at a straw, but I'll take it.

If for no other reason than because I love this quote. :)

"You know, junk food doesn't deserve the bad rap that it gets. Take these pork rinds for example. This particular brand contains two percent of the R.D.A. - that's Recommended Daily Allowance - of riboflavin. "

Happy New Year. :)


Danyelle Ferguson said...

Hi De! Love your post!!! You and I are on the same wave-length. I want to chat about your suggestion of starting an online support for losing weight, but I can't find your email address. Can you email me?


Unknown said...

I'm just like you, Denise. I've only been skiing once and it was good enough for me. But, I love the winter. Along about late February I'll be done and ready for some sunshine. In the meantime, when I need sun really bad I hit the tanning booth for ten minutes and I'm good to go!

And you can't be old. Really.

Unknown said...

I must admit that I like the changing seasons. I like snow when it is in the mountains, but the roads are clear. I do like the first few snowfalls that cover everything so perfectly. But after shoveling my driveway for the 3rd time in 2 days...I'm all for a bit more sun. :)

And some days I am plenty old. :)

Aimee said...

De - I hate to tell you this but I am in Tampa and it's 75 and sunny. The downside (or maybe another upside) is I have to be here for 25 days (work). One day when your kids are older I will suggest they hire you and you can help me be wrangler of buses for a few weeks. God or bad, it gets me out of Utah for most of January!

Unknown said...

Tampa sounds lovely. My luck is as follows: waiting for my visa to get to Portugal for my mission, they had me serve in Ft. Lauderdale (Miami Beach, actually). It was December. Freak cold front that froze everything. Our tiny live Christmas tree in our apartment had the water in the base freeze. I slept with all my laundry on top of me because we weren't prepared with extra blankets and they had no heat in the apartment building.
So even in a warm locale, I still hit the cold. :)
It would be fun to help you with the busses. Keep me in mind!

Unknown said...

Denise, I loved reading this post. It shocks me how much alike we are. I've been skiing once and it was terrible enough that I have no desired to do it again. Every January I start all over again with the weight thing but I am terrified to do nothing and just let nature take it's course. I worry all the time about my girls and I am glad they are prettier, smarter and way more confident than I was. :) I am beginning to wonder if we weren't as bad as we thought we were...or are. :)